Tuesday, January 03, 2006


January 1st 2006:

Today could easily the best New Years day I have had! As I spent the New Years eve all alone in the sick bed(with fever and sore throat), I thought its gonna be the same the next day as well(How could it all change so quickly afterall??) Most of yesterday was spent in thinking what a wreched time I am having on New years eve... is this how 2006 is going to be for me? I couldnt think of anything positive throught out the whole day. Was going thru all the possible negative emotions I could think of. Never even thought my life would improve a bit in coming days.

At the stroke of midnight, suddenly the world changed around me. One of my friends, while conveying his new years wish asked me..."A bunch of us are going to volunteer at the Dallas Temple tommorow from morning. Interested in joining?" I could not imagine getting up early in the morning in this condition, but the very thought of the lonely apartment I live in...pushed me to say "Yes". Thats it and my year was made.

Got up early in the morning. After a shave and bath(early in the morning?...not after my internship was over), I looked in my neatest form in many days.

On my way to the temple, purchased a Rose Bouquet to offer to the Gods. Reached the temple at around 8:00 AM. We were a bunch of 8 guyz and a gal. To start with there was no work, cos temple was almost empty(the desis in Dallas are staunch followers of Indian Standard Time).

Various groups from Dallas-Fortworth metroplex were supposed to come during the day and sing Bhajans during their assinged timings. Since there was no work, we were asked to sit with one such group(They call themselves "The Art of Living"). As one bhajan after another followed, I slowly realised all of us were getting involved in the bhajan. We were actually following the beats of the mridhangam and singing along with this group(It was simply irresitible!). I was reminded of the good old days in IIT campus, when I accompanied my Grandpa for such bhajans on Saturday evenings.

As the crowd started to pour in, we were each given a task. Four of us, were asked to help the Chef cut vegetables. Back in the Kitchen,more fun was waiting for us. After the bhajan session, I realised I no more had sore throat. We started off making fun of each others cutting/pealing styles, then played anthaskshri. It was an awesome atmosphere(I was getting to talk to so many ppl after so many days).

After that, I got to control the huge crowd(about 5000-6000 in number). It was a nice feeling, smiling back at each of those families getting their New Years wish(I got loads of wishes this year!!!). Offerings for God were pouring in-Sweet boxes, Loads of fruits, flowers, Home made payasams etc...(U name it...and its all there). I never knew there were so many Desis here, infact was told this is jus a small percentage of the actual population.

After the event, at around 3:00 I got to have my meal of the day. Was damn hungry(but never realised it until the event was over!). We were served a variety of dishes at the temple's auditorium. All the dishes were excellent(except offcourse those half-cut and half-pealed potatoes..culprit?? Not us :-) ...Blame it on the Chef!).

After the lunch, back to the temple,met the priests. All of them thanked us and gave us those Sweet packets, fruits etc... To top it all...one priest said "When most of the students of your age are wasting their time in clubs and booz parties...U guys are coming and helping us out...God bless U all(Guyz...are U listening???).

On my way I was wondering what they would do with all those excess sweets and fruits(My doubt was cleared the next day itself..when I went to the temple and saw the preist distributing it among the next days visitors).

Anyways...my mood has swung almost full 180 degrees today. Till yest I was feeling so lonely...cursing myself...today am so close to God - to this world. I feel so happy and strong(So strong ... I smashed 5 4s in the evenings cricket match..very unusual of me).

This is my year...and...I know it!