Monday, July 16, 2007

My last performance at UTA...

2 hours before the show begins, the female lead singer pulls out and has to be coaxed into it. A few minutes before the show, the projector is just one of the things thats not working yet. And yet...and yet...and yet they say my nervousness is not justified:P

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Shakesperean Quote(strings attached)

"All the world's a puppet show stage, and all the men and women merely puppets; they have thier exits and thier entrances; and one man in his time is attached to several strings from several other puppets."

- blogger strung by strings (2007)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Behind every man...

At a certain stage in his life, every man gets more hungry for success. A few succeed in quenching this great hunger, a few die of it. The ones who succeed give credit to the cause by declaring "Behind every successfull man...". But, the voice of the dying ones are very feeble, hardly audible to the world.