whats your sheep like?
"wow...I am wide awake. It must be at least 2 now"
"me too. but I doubt its that late. its probably 1"
"It feels like I have been tossing and turning for more than 2 hrs. looks like we are up for another sleepless night"
"maybe we should try counting sheep"
"really? has that ever worked for you?"
"lets give it a shot"
a few minutes later...
"sleepy yet?"
"I wish"
"so whats your count?"
"what do you mean?"
"weren't you counting sheep?"
"oh...I must have lost the count. I remember reaching about 25. what about you?"
"I stopped counting after 10-15. its boring to see the same sheep again and again"
"same sheep? why would you need to count the same sheep repeatedly?"
"err...I don't know. I just imagine the sheep appear in front of me. take its count. it goes away in a flash and the next one appears. it looks exactly the same."
"so its as if they are on a conveyor belt?"
"no. mmm...its like a rolling slide presentation...right to left."
"interesting. I am actually imagining a herd. they are all locked up in a farm...you know the one with white picket fence and all..."
"nice. I have always counted sheep this way. no wonder it never worked for me before. so wait...how do these sheep look?"
"what do you mean how do they look? they look like regular sheep! white in color. I made sure all of them have a bell hanging from the neck" :)
"really??? mine are black in color. I mean black face and legs. with pure white cotton covering their body. I haven't even given any texture on the cotton...its pure white"
"I don't even know if there are real sheep, that look like that!"
"who says they are real? they are 100% cartoon drawings."
"no wonder they all look the same! Mine are real ones...I mean real looking ones!"
"interesting. wonder how many more ways we could count sheep." (pause) "so how many sheep do you have in that farm of yours?"
"I stopped counting remember? I suppose I have enough to keep counting for the rest of the night"
"Maybe you should get back to counting then"
"yup...I should. good night and good luck getting sleep"
few minutes later...