B'days in school was fun...
Its nearly impossible to go through that kind off anticipation during adulthood. At least that's what I thought until this week.
About a month back, when a friend of mine offered to get me a CSK jersey, I was reluctant(I am not really jersey person). I love following the game. You wouldn't see me all pumped up during the game, but I put in enough emotion into the game to feel elated/depressed at the end of it. Being married to someone who simply adores CSK, I relented saying "Can you please get us a jersey?". He very kindly obliged.
Today happens to be a BIG day. CSK played MI and I decided to celebrate the day by wearing my bright yellow CSK jersey to work. It was AWESOME! I made a lot of heads turn and heard a lot of "wow!". For the first time, after a long time, I felt I was going to my school on my birthday. And, believe it or not, I have been looking forward to this day since the start of this week.