Sunday, August 13, 2006

Getting crushed by my first ever CRUSH - part 3

I still couldn’t believe my luck. I thought, “Well... it’s most likely she was being polite and didn’t want to say a NO. If she knew you for a little longer, she could have told a NO...but you just met right? I think she was just being polite. And yes ... you were a little too wrong in even asking such a question on your first meeting.” With these thoughts running in my mind, on the BIG day (her birthday), I never went anywhere near the canteen. Well, it was not just me who knew it was a big day (remember? I had echoed that YESS to all my friends). “All these years you were waiting for that one chance...and now after getting it you act like this?” Well…my friends couldn’t take this. They first tried their best by making fun of me, then scolding me and then leaving me alone thinking “Its No use talking to this guy”.

So expectedly/unexpectedly nothing happened during the day (atleast that’s what I thought). So as I walked back to my college bus. I find her waiting right in front of the entrance asking me…

”so where were you during lunch? There was a treat due…remember?”.

“Hey I am sorry couldn’t make it. I had this lab work to do…blah blah blah”.

“Well its not late yet…its still my B’day and the canteen is still open.”

So off we went…walking towards the canteen. The college bus stand was pretty big, so as we passed in front of those buses, I could see a lot of curious eyes. But what stands in my mind clearly are not those curious eyes…but those wide open mouths of my friends, which refused to shut even as we disappeared into the canteen. My friends probably thought “wow so he finally managed it…huh?”

To be continued...


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