The Unsaid words...
"Words once uttered, cannot be recalled". I have been hearing this ever since I was a kid.
Those slanderous words, once uttered… causes so much pain and suffering to others. You could probably regret from the very next moment, you could probably shower a thousand kind words after that for the rest of your life. Will all that take you back to the good old days? No!
Oh…matured buddy of mine, all your life you have been thinking only about the effects due to the words you uttered. Ever wondered the effects due to the words you did not utter? Those unsaid words…those words that you wanted to tell someone…but never did…cos you thought it could turn out to be dangerous…where do they go? What do they do? Ever wondered?
Those words never fade…they remain right there...inside you…waiting to be unleashed at the right moment. Until the right moment, they slowly but steadily churn out a storm inside you, a storm that slowly takes control over your mind. Your actions(reactions)…slowly take your close ones away from you. Everything the person does is wrong according the storm inside you.
Ask your conscience. “am I judging him/her right?” “Am I doing the right thing?” the answer would be clear “NO”. But are you able to hear that “NO”. No, because it’s the storm who decides what you hear and what you don’t.
The only thing the storm can do is…grow inside you. Keep growing until...until its no longer bearable…its finally time to hit the coast! But wait, even before the storm hits the coast its done what it is supposed to do. It has made everyone around you realise that there is something wrong(they tune to their weather channel 24/7). They have all been warned…a lot of them are affected…a few manage to survive by running away from you.
So you may ask, the storm has lost its purpose now? When it hits the coast, you most likely happen to make the gravest of mistakes possible. Now, you look like a silly guy in front of everyone. The storm which started because of some silly mistake of your close one has finally nailed you. You shall suffer, along with others for that little storm that you built inside you. No one else deserves it more than you.
Do I sound crazy? You still think you shouldn’t utter those precious words? You think you are not capable of uttering the right words to me? Nothing but those slanderous words would come out of you? My friend, answer me, why did you have to wait till the words became destructive? Why didn’t they drop out of you when they were still dormant? Those dormant words...that could have actually built a trust between us. The kind of trust which no storm in the world could even think of breaking. In the end my friend, it was not those words that destroyed us and our friendship…it was your failure to let them out at the right moment that did it…the “wait” nailed our friendship's coffin!